There is a reason why you are here- i mean the very reason you exist and if you must discover your true purpose in life, you must first empty your mind of all the false purposes you 've been taught (including the idea that you may have no purpose at all) so how do you discovered your purpose in life? why there are many ways to do this, some of them are fairly involved, here is one of the simplest any one can do. The starting place must be with God and his eternal purpose for each life.
The most basic question everyone faces in life is why am i here? what is my Purpose? you cannot enjoy what you don't know until you understand his will and seek to be in it, you might not enjoy the best of God. where God wants you to end is what is called Desting. (Jer 29:11. Your purpose is the original Assignment you are designed to get done on Earth which is usually powered by an unquenchable passion for fulfillment and expression. On the other hand vision is the Revelation of God's Agenda and the involvement of Man. It can also be define as a divine insight into God's plan.
The specific area in which that individual is selected to function. So many people have mistaken vision for Ambition. Vision is a divine insight into God's plan while Ambition is a strong desire of accomplishing a certain task or get certain goal done to please your able or personal desire.
Vision is God's rooted while Ambition is Man's rooted.
The more you are to this purpose and the more you expect it to work, the faster it will work for you. When you find your own unique answer to the question of why you are here, you will find it resonate with you deeply. The word will seem to have a special energy to you and you will feel the energy whenever you read them.
Discovering your purpose is the easiest part, the hard part is keeping it with you on a daily basis and working on your self to the point where you become that purpose. Your purpose is not something you do, it is the reasons you do things. if you are living on purpose, your capacity for putting up with failure, rejection, tedium etc will increase dramatically because you will have a very strong and compelling purpose. it will take a lot less of this obstacles to stop you in your tracks.
If you catch a great purpose within you and make excuses to do nothing with it (such as it is too general), then you will be the one burdened with the result of that choice. As long as you believe something outside must be the source of your motivation then nothing you do for yourself can motivate you. you will perpetually be waiting for the stove to give you heat before you will give it wood. The responsibility of taking action, for motivating yourself, for finding your purpose or living with one....... all lies within you alone. "There is no philosophy by which i can do a thing if i think i cannot.
God Bless You
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