Friday, 23 November 2012


Sometimes in life, the problem is not that we don’t have plans or clearly laid down goals but it just consistently seem that those goals are far from our reach.Yet, we are not getting younger and the seasons of our lives is constantly changing.

We seem to be at a standstill and everything around is stagnated. One evidence of things being stagnated is when you begin to see everyday alike and don’t even want to get out of the bed early in the morning. After all you say... what is going to be new and challenging in the day.
Some might seem to have everything working for them but sincerely, some aspects of our lives might seem to move while others are just the way they are.

Where is that area of your life where it seems that your mates or friends have gone ahead of you? It could be your career, ministry, relationship or marriage, child bearing and raising, spiritual development, finances and a host of others....


Sometime ago, I was walking on a straight long road and the Holy Spiit said to me that someone coming on a bike now will no doubt overtake me. So also when it comes to my life, he said my mates might have gone ahead of me in a car, but He’s going to take me on A FLIGHT!
And so he did and is still doing!


You might be the one attending all the marriage ceremonies and even being best lady and best man to countless of your friends...

You might be receiving a number of invitations for the launching of your friends companies and even offered employment there...

You might be invited to a number of naming ceremonies while you are still yet to have a child of your own...

Your friends might be inviting you to their houses for housewarming while you still live in a rented room or flat with your Parents.

You are still jumping from one bike to another while your mates have their own cars and are probably driven by their company’s driver...

The List is endless...

Now, here’s what the overtaking Spirit will do which is the Spirit of God according to Amos 9:13... Behold the days are coming says the Lord, that the plowman shall overtake the reaper,and the treader of grapes him who sows the seed; and the mountains shall drop sweet wine and all the hills shall melt (that is everything heretofore barren and unfruitful shall overflow with spiritual blessings)


Have you ever witnessed a race? When the participants are about starting, they place one leg behind while the other stays in front. You know why, the leg at the back acts as a propeller and generator of the force needed to gain speed for the race altogether!

So, what am I saying? Your staying back and seemingly not advancing is only a set up to ensure that you gain adequate force and power for the race still ahead of you.


This is a question on the minds of most people. Your time of waiting is not a time to remain physically stagnant doing nothing! It’s not the time for you to visit friends endlessly, wish time away and complain of boredom (that’s the language of those going nowhere).

It’s the time to keep accessing and re-accessing your strengths and giftings while working on shedding away your excesses.

It’s the time for you to attend quality seminars and conferences.

It’s the time to read and study voraciously ( because you don’t get to read all that you need to; on the field. You only put into action what you have read.)

Another area people miss it is not doing anything at all. God says that whatever your hands find to do, DO IT! That is why I’ld like you to go through the particular issue confronting you presently, and take the action part of it while you see God perfect all in his own time. Always remember that God is never late.

For instance, do you believe God for a baby? The action part is for you to start buying your baby things and reading books on pregnancy and motherhood.

Is it for a job? Start out with anything no matter how menial. You can also take a daring step further by offering to work for free in any place there’s no vacancy.

Is it for a marriage? Take the action path by getting to window shop, ask for prices, fix a date, start hard!
Bottom line, whatever the challenge before you.... TAKE THE ACTION PATH OF IT! That is what you do while ‘’waiting’’ and watch God breathe on your efforts!

In conclusion, keep your eyes focused on your desires. PRAY and PRAY, Refuse to reason with the devil and his suggestions. Rather reason with God! He might seem to take time from our own level of human reasoning but trust him... he knows what He’s doing.

CONGRATULATIONS!!! Because I see you overtaking. You know why? He did it and is still doing it in an undeniable way for me and because we are heirs together of the same promise and God is not a respecter of persons, your’s will not be an exception.

Love you.

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