“Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life” (Proverbs 4:23).
We are wise to check what is residing in that well-spring. Among the many things we find in our hearts there will always be one of two very specific things in the lead – faith or fear.
One will always be on the top of the heap. They cannot both occupy the same place. If faith resides there your well-spring will pour out peace and confidence in God’s care for you, even in the midst of uncertain times. If fear resides there anxiety and depression will be the natural outward flow.
Faith or Fear. Every day we choose. Many times a day we choose. When the evening news brings signs of foreboding unemployment, financial crisis and uncertainty tomorrow, fear is the natural response. That well-spring will pour forth worry and stress. When relationships are on edge and illness or hardship looms, anxiety churns within us creating it’s own downward cycle. Faith over-rides fear. Fear over-rides faith.
God tells us exactly what to do when fear grips our hearts and takes over our minds. Left unchecked it will scatter our faith like confetti in the wind and leave us anchor-less in the storms of life. Listen to God’s very specific instruction from Philippians 4:6-7 (NIV).
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ
What a simple formula! Not easy – but simple. Worry is a call to prayer. The moment you become aware of that churning anxiety over ANYTHING, go immediately to your Heavenly Father. Present your requests to Him. Then turn your thoughts and prayers to thanksgiving.
Thank Him for His promise to never forsake you. Thank Him for the power of His name and for His intimate knowledge of every detail. Thank Him for His track record in your life when He has been there for you in the past. Thank Him that He works all things together for your good as you trust Him. Thank Him that He is at work establishing His kingdom in your life.
Your faith and trust in God will over-ride your fear and His peace will actually put a guard around your heart and mind so fear cannot over run you. It’s supernatural and it’s real.
Father God, I confess that fear is often my first response to challenges that come my way. May I be conscious today of choosing to trust You with every detail of my life. Help me to have faith to leave the question marks in Your control and to trust You to carry me and sustain me with your peace that is beyond understanding. Today I choose to put my trust in You. Fill my heart with child like faith today I ask in the strong name of Jesus, amen.
God bless you
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