The funny thing is that some ladies that claim to lack one thing or the other are carrying the capital of what will make them financially independent once and for all, on their heads.
Really, if you don’t sit down to deliberately calculate, you might not realize the fortune you are spending on your hair which can be cut down if you must be a good investor and not a terrific spender.
Let’s see how the money goes, using Tope, a university undergraduate and Victoria side by side as case studies. Mind you, Tope relies on her Parents, older friends, Uncles and Aunt’s for her upkeep. She’s got nothing doing that brings in money for her but she no doubts looks smashing day in day out while spending a fortune on her hair, while Victoria’s story is the same but has plans on starting a business of her own by May.
Retouching...(2nd week)Tope: with Kit and service... 2,500
Vivian: With Ozone relaxer and service....350
After retouching, Vivian leaves her hair for two weeks, while combing and using accessories to dress it.
Tope fixes immediately after retouching... 1,400(weavon)+1,000(service)= 2,400
NOTE: If the same amount is at their disposal for hair purposes, at the end of January, Tope has spent 4,900 while Vivian has spent 350 thereby saving 4,550.
Tope loosens her weavon, washes her hair, and then braids it, all summing up to 4,500
Vivian washes her hair and fixes for 2,000 and then does a simple hausa weaving by the end of the month for 400, all summing up to 2,400.
By the end of February, Tope spent 4,500 while Vivian spent 2,500. Vivian has succeeded in saving 2,000.
Tope saves up some money including the ones she had sourced for, from various quarters which she claimed to need for her ongoing project to buy a brazillian human hair for 60,000( you know, she needs to level up with her clique) She fixes for 1,500.
Wow! With the same amount of money at vivian’s disposal, she buys a standard and smashing wig for 5,000( At least she don step up small)which she used all through the month of March, while keeping her hair neatly woven (500)
At the end of March,Tope had spent 61,500 while Vivian spent 5,500 thus saving the sum of 56,000.
TOTAL ANALYSIS: By the end of March, Tope has spent a total sum of 70,900 on her hair while Vivian spent 8,350 while saving 62,550.
Now, please note that the Salons and products they use for their hair is different. It is not that Vivian wouldn’t mind a good kit but could still make do with another at least for the moment.
In as much as I’m not advocating that we should treat our hair anyhow and use poor quality products, I’m trying to say that we should live our level per time while making sure we have good investments that can produce more thus being less of a burden but a blessing to others in need.
At the end of this analysis, Vivian has a whole 62,550 to invest into a long standing idea while Tope is still in square one. Sooner, Tope will still have to borrow money from Vivian while Vivian has traded the days of pleasure and high standard for a worthy investment and could afford to make any kinda hair she wants later! Note that this still does not mean that we should spend unreasonably on our hair.
For instance, it’s not every time we must have something glued to our hair. Our hair needs Air and we should cultivate the habit of leaving our hair for some time without attaching anything to it. It is healthy as well as economical.
We should also try to buy wigs that can be used at various times and for various reasons. At times, you might not have much and you need to appear good, your wig comes in handy. However these days, most weavons are thrown away after the first use! At least, you can’t throw your wig away after the first use.
Also, we should try as much a s possible to be content with what we have on per time and not covetous! Ladies go as much as loosening a kind of hair that is being carried for just a week because they just found out a new kind of hairdo on another.
In conclusion ladies, let’s be wise and take a stock of how much we spend on our hair and then, adjust where necessary. Always remember that it pays to be prudent and to go through the pain of discipline than the pain of regret.
It’s not money we need in actual sense but wisdom to manage and harness the little that comes to us per time. Soon, you ’ld be a distributor and not a borrower. Watch it! Hope the Capital you ’ve been looking for all the while is not on your head!
Please, feel free to add your comments and further suggestions or adjustments. We really need to rub our minds together.
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