What problems arise if you are only attracted to your man because he is romantic? Or in other words, what problems arise when a marriage is ordained simply on the basis of a romantic love?
If you have built your marriage around romance, or if you love your man simply because he is romantic, you have already built unrealistic expectations! You are in a sense living in an emotional bubble where everything is roses and kisses and everything is just peachy keen and every wish and expectation is filled. In this type of marriage, both marriage mates end up frustrated because situations are never handled properly because of poor and impaired judgement, and a lack of self-control in various degrees.
Yes, when one is married because of romantic reasons, one can expect too much. And when expectations are not met, they view the marriage as a failure! They don't even work at it in the way they should! You could say: THEY MISSED THE WHOLE POINT!
A woman who marries a man simply because of romantic ideas is a woman tempted to be dishonest. After all, she is dishonest with herself when it comes to marriage, so why shouldn't she be dishonest about other things?
Yes, this is the woman who goes to great lengths to make herself appear beautiful and appealing, perhaps resorting to plastic surgery or other types of padding or implants to make her figure more "appealing". She fools herself and everyone looking at her. She is the type of woman who only says things because it's what her man wants to hear, rather than telling the truth. She is every man's worst nightmare.
And this goes for the man too, especially in areas of money. A man who marries because of romance tends to lie about his income and other issues.
Any real woman who is married to a real man who is not necessarily "romantic" (and she will admit it) knows that he is truly affectionate - and even more affectionate than any man who claims to be romantic could be!
True affection comes from being unselfish, and it is reflected in all the small areas of life, including the way your man treats you (and vice versa), talks to you, and the little things he does for you on a daily basis. This unselfish love is also reflected in the bedroom, because the focus is not so much on self and how one looks or performs, but the focus is on loving and showing appreciation for one's mate.
Yes, marrying a man simply because he is "romantic" is not the way to go. You've got to go a little deeper than that, ladies!
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